Mini mutton tawa skewers with 2New dips

 "Kitchen! a space wr u can create magic by playing with different ingredients,a pinch of right spice brings heaven into ur plate,BONAPTI © SHERRYK.

IF U REALLY WANT TO sizzle ur palette with dancing spices u must try this one,

 Mini Mutton tawa skewers with yo go rasin dip nd minto lime quad dip.

{Wr u can taste a soft  tangy spicy tandoori mutton with a sweet,creamy Lille tangy taste of yogo rasindip}


Ingredients:boneless mutton, vinegar,red chill paste ,ginger garlic paste, 1 tea spoon of biryani masala.,salt to taste.oil 

Procedure:cut mutton in to small pieces,and marinate it with above spices ,and add 1table spoon of oil into it.nd refrigerate it for atkest 3hr's.

For yogorasin dips:take 6raisins or prunes put it into hot boiling water ,remove the seeds nd make paste of it ,then add thick hung curd to it...u will get a nice creamy texture dip...{my FAv.one๐Ÿคค}

For  minto lime quad. U need green lime quads{which is basically a citrus fruit more resembling with oranges}.take extract from.lime quads, then take a bowl of fresh mint,2walnut,4green chilli's,1tablespoon of yogurt..make paste of all thses ingredients..nd then add lime quad extract nd salt to it..u will get nice palate sizzling dip๐Ÿ’ฅ๐Ÿ’ฅ๐Ÿ™‚๐Ÿ˜‰.

For tawa skewers:๐Ÿก๐Ÿขarrange these mutton cubes into skewers with green chillie in between..u can customize it it with cheese,mushroom or any other vegg.then place the skewers on tawa on low flame and place a lid on tawa..nd let it sizzle ..till both side of mutton gets  barbecued..nd u get a nice tandoori like aroma..nd then platter it with two new dips & not it ...๐Ÿ˜‹
